To view your credit summary online, you must first fill in your email address. If we recognise your email address, you already have an account, which means you can enter your password right away. If we don't recognise your email address, you don't have an account. To create an account, you must provide identification once, using iDIN.
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If you don't have a bank card of your own or a shared bank card for a joint bank account with someone else, you cannot provide identification via iDIN. If this is the case, you can request a copy of your credit summary via the application form.
No, you cannot. You can only log in with your personal bank card.
Do you share a bank card with the other joint account holder, or do you each have your own card? Below, see whether and how you can provide identification.
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When you request your credit summary, we want to be sure it’s really you. That is why we ask you to provide identification. We need to know for sure the information will be going to the right person. We use iDIN for that purpose. This is a service provided by banks that lets you provide identification to other organisations using your bank's secure and trusted login tools.
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