A registration is positive if a credit provider reports to us that you have been granted credit with a value of more than € 250 and a term of more than one month to us right away, on the day that it grants the credit. By registering your credit right away, other credit providers will be able to see you have outstanding credit, so they can assess whether or not to grant you new credit. If anything happens during the term of your credit, the credit provider will notify us. These notifications are referred to as negative registrations. For example: if you are in arrears in repaying a loan or if your credit provider is claiming immediate and full repayment of your loan.
If you have a loan outstanding at a credit provider, the credit provider will register you at BKR. When you have repaid the loan, your credit provider will notify us. After this notification, the end date of your loan will be visible in BKR's register for another five years.
Once you have fully repaid a loan, your data will be kept in our records for another five years. We do this to ensure any loans you take out in future will fit your financial situation. Based on the data in your credit summary, a credit provider can make an assessment of your payment behaviour in the past. It enables them to assess whether your situation is stable enough to grant you a new loan.
Your credit provider assesses your application for a new loan. We are not the one making that assessment. Your credit registration may affect your loan application, but not necessarily to your disadvantage. When you apply for a new loan, the credit provider - such as a bank or a lease company - will review your income and fixed expenses, among other things. As part of their assessment, they are required to request us to share details of your BKR registration. The credit provider will want to offer you a loan that fits your financial situation, so a positive registration may be to your advantage. However, if you were ever in arrears in the past, the bank might be more careful about your request. The credit provider has an acceptance policy and it is their decision to grant or deny you a new loan. The credit provider may also decide to grant you only part of the requested loan.
We record personal details as well as details about your credit agreements. Personal details are: - Name at birth - Initials - Date of birth - Address Details about the credit agreement are: - Type of credit - Amount of credit - Starting date - Agreed end date - Actual end date of your credit - Notifications during the credit agreement. For instance: You are running behind on payments.